2 March 2022

ICN Chair’s Statement – Current events in Ukraine

The International Competition Network (ICN) is a network of 140 competition authorities from 130 jurisdictions. The ICN was founded to facilitate cooperation and convergence between authorities worldwide. Russia’s competition authority, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia) and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine are both members of the ICN.

As a global community of competition agencies, the ICN’s activities take place on a voluntary basis and rely on a high degree of goodwill and cooperation among members. ICN Members are in continuous contact, working together to improve competition policy and cooperation between authorities. Members of the network regularly meet to develop common standards and exchange views.

Based on Section 3.4 iv (e) of the ICN’s Operational Framework, the Chair is responsible for the “general conduct of the affairs of the ICN where not otherwise specified to be within the responsibility of any Group or Committee.” In light of the current events in Ukraine and their impact on collaboration among ICN members, the conduct of the affairs of the network is impeded and needs to be addressed.

The ICN Chair at the request of Steering Group members and other ICN members has reviewed FAS Russia’s participation in the network. After consultation with the members of the Steering Group the Chair has decided to suspend FAS Russia’s participation in ICN activities.

Should the circumstances change, the ICN Chair, after consultation with Steering Group members will reconsider and adapt this position.

FAS Russia has been informed accordingly.


Andreas Mundt
ICN Chair