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Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission

Andrea Marvan
52 55 2789 6669
Av. Revolución 725, Col. Santa María Nonoalco, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, CP 03700, Ciudad de México
Edgar Jaimes
Deputy Coordinator General for International Analysis
Av. Revolución 725, Col. Santa María Nonoalco, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, CP 03700, Ciudad de México
Rodrigo Rios
Head, International Affairs
Av. Revolución 725, Col. Santa María Nonoalco, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, CP 03700, Ciudad de México
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* members who are either a multinational competition agency entrusted with the enforcement of competition law(s) or a competition agency of a customs territory entrusted with the enforcement of competition law(s) throughout the customs territory.