2 Results
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Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Olha Pishchanska
38 (044) 251 62 62
45, Vasilya Lypkivskogo str., 03035 Kyiv, Ukraine
Olha Muzychenko
First Deputy Chair
38 (044) 251 62 85
45, Vasilya Lypkivskogo str., 03035 Kyiv, Ukraine
Milan Shafar
Head of European Integration and International Cooperation Section
38 (044) 251 61 04
45, Vasilya Lypkivskogo str., 03035 Kyiv, Ukraine

Competition and Markets Authority (United Kingdom)

Sarah Cardell
Chief Executive
44 20 3738 6286
The Cabot, London, E14 4QZ, United Kingdom
Andrew Hadley
Acting Director, Policy and International
44 20 3738 6419
The Cabot, London, E14 4QZ, United Kingdom
Alex Schofield
Principal Policy Advisor
44 20 (0)7768 692 660
The Cabot, London, E14 4QZ, United Kingdom
Tony Penny
Assistant Director, Policy & International
44 20 3738 6192
The Cabot, London, E14 4QZ, United Kingdom
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* members who are either a multinational competition agency entrusted with the enforcement of competition law(s) or a competition agency of a customs territory entrusted with the enforcement of competition law(s) throughout the customs territory.